Κυριακή 14 Οκτωβρίου 2007

Single mother and her son sick from Cerebral palsy (CP) need your help!

Dear all,

in one small sity in Serbia live one unblessed mother named Sladjana and her son Mitar. Mitar is 12. y.o. and from his birth has Cerebral palsy (CP). He can not move his hands, legs, he can not keep his had without bracer, he is blind.... His mother does not want to leave him in special hospital for the persons sick from the same illness. She want to be with her son and to fight for him. Last years medicine goes forward and in one of the hospital come every month Russian doctors. They used new method of treatment of this ailment using micro chips. Every thant intervention cost 3.200Euro about. Sladjana is uniployed, what they had they sold and now she bags for hel and your mercy. She is not cadging, she beseech for your mercy and your help.
Please to read her letter and to try to help her:


Dear ,

My name is Sladjana. I am from Serbia and I have a twelve (12)year-old son Mitar.
The reason why I am writing is to ask you to read this letter aIti the desperate plea for your understanding and help.

Mitar is a child who, due to an error of doctors, suffered the brain damage during birth and the result of this fatal error is the cerebral palsy, which means that he is unable to walk and has difficulties in using his hands and he is blind.
Unfortunately, my son lives in one-parent family since my husband left us when Mitar was only three weeks old.
Mitar is an intelligent child, he is not mentally handicapped, but the situation in our country brings us a lot of problems. Medical treatment is almost impossible, there are neither suitable institutions nor schools for such children and parents are usually advised to leave their sick children in some kind of children's homes. I cannot accept this because Mitar is my only child, God gave him to me and I am going to fight for his life and health as long as I live!
Also, there is no possibility of sending him to a spa, which would be helpful, for two reasons. Firstly, the social service refuses to cover the expenses. Secondly, wheeeichairs for children unable to walk are provided every five years and those are very heavy, low quality wheelchairs, difficult to use and quite unsuitable for child's travelling.

I have to point out that I am a self-supporting mother. I have finished higher school but I am unemployed, so we hardly survive because of financial difficulties. In addition to all the problems we have, every six months Mitar has to get two injections that prevent the contraction of muscles and they are very expensive -350 Euros each. The lack of money made us interrupt the therapy with Dysport injections and now the situation is alarming -Mitar has to be given the injection as soon as possible.

That is why I am asking you to help me and my son. We would be very grateful if you would pay a certain sum of money into our bank account, which would make it possible for Mitar to get not only the necessary therapy but also the hope that he might be cured, thanks to good-hearted and understanding people.
Hoping that you will understand the difficulty of our situation and that you will be willing to help us, we thank you very much.

Yours truly,
Siadjana and her son Mitar
Fruskogorska 11

SIRIG 21214
IBAN : RS3535573355000000301855592
account 355-9010019-91-5475-0603901002


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