Κυριακή 14 Οκτωβρίου 2007

Do you want to help?

Dear all,

today I open this blog like an appel to everybody with clear soul and worm heart. I like to help weak, feeble, unlucky, ill people and primarily children all around the world.

It is very well known that more than 2/3 of wholle world population lives in poorness, sicness and in dirty and poison enviroment. They do not have drinking water, vaccines, druggs, homes and they die every second helpless and withut any dignity. It seems to be that the death for them is releive from destiny's punchs.

I am completly sure that if we simple people which lives guiet and discreet lifes, join our forces together, we can make marvel things.

Do you want to join me? Do you want to help me in this so human work?

Every suggest, idea, device or any other help will be deeply appreciate.

Thank you my fellows. Thank you.

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